Workshops with Alexia Sinclair
I receive lots of queries regarding the techniques behind my work (particularly The Regal Twelve) the truth is my digital work spans from beauty retouching to composite imaging, harnessing far too many areas in photoshop to answer quickly in a single email.
While I'm just gauging interest right now, I'd like to run three small classes (maximum 10 students each) in the near future covering the tools and techniques behind my work.
Hopefully in the not to distant future we'll publish all the details on a spanking new website, meanwhile here are the tentative three classes, things are bound to change so register your interest here
The first: a six week long course comprising of one 3-hour evening session per week, for those who want a beginners introduction to Photoshop and digital image enhancement. This is aimed to be fun and open to everyone!
The second: a six week long course: comprising of one 3-hour evening session per week, focusing on beauty (portrait) retouching in Photoshop. For a variety of industry requirements.
The third: a masterclass running over a weekend comprising of 4 hours each day, this class will be aimed out those who have had experience using photoshop and want to take their post-production to the next level.
The classes will be taught by me, in the heart of Sydney (Australia), with the latest post-production equipment.
If you're interested in these workshops, head on over to the workshops register interest page.